Forums - Best characters for killing Cable? Show all 41 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Best characters for killing Cable? ( Posted by Ruby Heart on 08:01:2000 06:13 PM: Hey you guys, whats your best character for killing cable, and with what strategies used?PLease explain in details!!! Posted by Marble49 on 08:03:2000 05:37 PM: Well, you can you your helper to trick them. Then use someone with a teleport to go right behind and attack. I.E. Strider/Dr.Doom Teleport strider right after you hit the assist for Dr.Doom. If the other player throws a AVHP on you the you will land behind him and combos him.(OUroboros into air combo, about 50%) Think about it... ------------------ *Little Gamer Boy* Posted by nE0|_i|_iTh on 08:03:2000 10:48 PM: or maybe characters with double jumps help ------------------ stand tall & shake the heavens! Posted by ShadowLady on 08:04:2000 02:58 AM: omega red can usually beat cable in both keep-away and close combat. he easily kills cable but it depends on cable's helpers as well. on my team, he is usually my personalized cable killer. morrigan also works well, since she is so fast and can air dash her way to cable in a jiff. team her up with some nice assists and she can constantly lay the pressure where a cable player usually makes a mistake and eats a soul eraser. but again, it depends on his helpers, so dont blindly dash your way in without protection. there isnt no sure fire way to beat cable, but those two characters work well for me. spiral can also work well with her nine teleports, but it's sometimes hard to get her signature swords out. Posted by Sheng Long on 08:04:2000 09:57 AM: Akuma works well against cable if he's plaing keep away send out a helper character to distract him (preferrably your weakest one)Then super jump (if he responds with a AHVB) and unload on him with air fire balls or Akuma's Super air Fireballs. If he responds with just a normal Viper B. Do a normal jump over it and hit him with a combo or Super air Fireballs. /ubb/cool.gif ------------------ You can not defeat my Sheng Long Punch Posted by darkgohan45 on 08:04:2000 11:25 AM: quote: Originally posted by nE0|_i|_iTh: or maybe characters with double jumps help I agree Ne0 Wow, 178 posts, are you in the lead or something? Kev.) ------------------ Darkgohan45 Posted by Chocobo on 08:05:2000 01:51 AM: The #1 character for beating Cable is Spiral. She can get in on him and get past his helpers and whatever keepaway mess using the teleport. Cable also can't use his most powerful weapon, the AHVB, because Spiral can teleport on reaction and just smack him from behind. Meanwhile, Spiral can throw a million knives and call all the helpers she wants. Dr. Doom, especially when paired with Blackheart, stands a pretty good chance. Blackheart keeps Cable grounded, and Doom can rain down photons from above. Strider/Doom can work, but you have to play it really well. One mistake and the AHVB kicks your ass, and Strider's damage handicap doesn't help. As for other ways to fight Cable... if he's calling assists all the time, you can try using a powered-up Juggernaut punch assist or a Tron assist to punish the helper and take out Cable's team from behind. Your helper will get hurt, but when he's got a Cable with no good assist it'll be in your advantage. I also recommend using assists as much as you want as long as Cable has less than level 2 meter. If he uses a AHVB on your helper, all of that damage will heal back... but you are now free to attack Cable as much as you want until he gets another AHVB. Posted by darkgohan45 on 08:06:2000 05:18 AM: you must have a lot of trouble fighting cable huh? ------------------ Darkgohan45 Posted by Marble49 on 08:07:2000 05:38 PM: When everything else fails, I'll use their own team and strategy...Afterall, your greatest enemy is yourself... ------------------ *Little Gamer Boy* Posted by seth_tucker on 08:08:2000 12:33 AM: Believe it or not, I've found that Spider-Man eats Cable for lunch if you can get in up close. I recommend calling out IceMan or some other Beam helper to deal with Cable's assist (Iron-Man maybe), then just get close to him with Spider-Man and air combo him like mad. For some reason Cable just really likes gettin' owned by Spidey. /ubb/smile.gif L8Rz, Seth Posted by JimmyJames on 08:08:2000 02:15 AM: cable is good for killing cable. /ubb/smile.gif Posted by Spider_Sting on 08:08:2000 02:23 AM: quote: Originally posted by seth_tucker: Believe it or not, I've found that Spider-Man eats Cable for lunch if you can get in up close. I recommend calling out IceMan or some other Beam helper to deal with Cable's assist (Iron-Man maybe), then just get close to him with Spider-Man and air combo him like mad. For some reason Cable just really likes gettin' owned by Spidey. /ubb/smile.gif L8Rz, Seth VERY TRUE! SPIDEY RULEZ Posted by Soujirou on 08:08:2000 02:58 AM: quote: Originally posted by JimmyJames: cable is good for killing cable. /ubb/smile.gif Lal la la! Posted by Soujirou on 08:08:2000 03:01 AM: quote: Originally posted by Soujirou: Lal la la! [This message has been edited by Soujirou (edited 08-07-2000).] Posted by BTNHFaN1 on 08:09:2000 01:22 AM: Hey....I would use Magneto because I think he's really good against Cable. Just for Cable to finish his attack and since Magneto is very fast try to dash and do your launcher and start an air combo. Posted by Goku on 08:09:2000 02:00 AM: Use cable vs cable /ubb/smile.gif super jump over his vipor beams and air combo him (lplp zigzag hp) and use kens anti air assist for backup *capcommando anti air works good also*. U can also do his dash thing (qcf k) to advance toward him and cap his ass. there are endless strategies. Posted by kdcmarvel on 08:09:2000 07:53 PM: quote: Originally posted by Chocobo: [B]The #1 character for beating Cable is Spiral. She can get in on him and get past his helpers and whatever keepaway mess using the teleport. Cable also can't use his most powerful weapon, the AHVB, because Spiral can teleport on reaction and just smack him from behind. Meanwhile, Spiral can throw a million knives and call all the helpers she wants. Hi, Chocobo. I disagree about Spiral. I think this way because if she teleports above Cable, she probably will be hitted by an assist. And if she teleports at one of the sides, AHVB. I think she's effective against intermediates and begginers, throwing Viper Beams all the time, but if Cable stay away calling assists, he has better chances. If he stays on the corner, Spiral can't teleport behind him, and can't call assists(3xAHVB). Cable can stay on the corner just calling assists and, if Spiral do the dancing swords, AHVB. Even if Spiral superjumps and do the dancing swords, the start up is slow enough to Cable pursuit her and AHVB. I think she can be better than Cable only if Cable don't have superbars, but it's rare. If you have another points pro Spiral, put them because Cable is boooring, and it will be so good to all of us have a better character against him /ubb/smile.gif Posted by HZ_eh on 08:10:2000 01:53 PM: to kill cable i use brute force or small ppl that can go under and mix up jumping dbl and super ... often ppl super jump Posted by Slermy on 08:11:2000 07:27 AM: Well, if you're really in a crunch you can use Sentinal and use your 'beam cannon' (or whatever that Strong Punch is) and trade blows with him when Cable is on the edge of the screen. And if your opponent starts moving closer to you the time it takes Cable to get close enough to you, you will have built up another level on your energy bar and can do a 'Plasma Storm' on him. Posted by nemesis on 08:13:2000 10:04 AM: c'mon¡¡¡ the only thing you have to do is to push the start boton of the cable player, ultramegahyper combo cable and... get prepared for a not-so-videogame fight with the cable controler.... but... hey¡¡¡¡ you defeated cable, right? "those who fear to darkness have never seen what light can do" Posted by triptacon on 08:14:2000 03:16 AM: Nice response there nemesis. That made me laugh. I'm not a violent person but that's kinda funny. [This message has been edited by triptacon (edited 08-13-2000).] Posted by ReCharredSigh on 08:14:2000 07:58 AM: Hey Ruby Heart, know Cable's weaknesses- he's not as good up close as far away(i did not say he sucks totally up close, but its pretty darn obvious his distance game is better) and know habits that people use as Cable- if they fire his projectile, chances are they'll cover the recovery/startup with an assist. Ok, enough analyzing. Try this; make Iceman or Cyclops your partner, and choose the projectile assist. Now get this- jump to the other side of Cable while calling out Iceman/Cyclops and...crouch block!!! Because the beam is being fired across screen if Cable calls in anyone, he gets stuffed, and because you are blocking, he can't, so he eats the projectile. You've just opened Cable up to a combo oppurtunity. Hit him with a "stronger" ground chain, and finish off with a super combo. Now just repeat that 2 or 3 more times. ------------------ The only cheese I tolerate is the crud you put on a pizza. "Get up! Show me your true power!" -Ryu in SF3 Posted by Marble49 on 08:16:2000 01:21 AM: Use storm and fly to the top of the screen until he cant reach you and typhoon away. ------------------ *Little Gamer Boy* Posted by Zechs on 08:18:2000 10:05 PM: The Best char that I use for anti cable cheesiness is none other than MEGAMAN!, Yep Megaman! hes great to beat cable using the right tactics. What i do is play a better keep away game with megaman, I charge (holding down fierce punch) and kcik those soccer balls at cable while ducking under his regular gun or after a viper. Just doing that will probably make you lose to block damage(unless you're really hitting your mark with the soccer balls). The key thing is to time the charge, release it when hes shootin his guns off or before a viper then (if its charged long enough and you do need to charge it good) when the charged shot hits, super cannon with megaman and follow it with other supers with your other guys (I prefer Ryu or Hulk). Works great! and usually pisses off cable players which is a nice perk. Oh, and if cable comes in close (when he figures out what your doing) I just hit him with a quick 3 hit ground comb (C.short, C.short, C.Fiearce) then pop out another soccer ball and C.short it at him (builds up the power bar while giving more time for the charg /ubb/smile.gif I have beaten a considerable number of GOOD cable players this way. Oh btw, dont call out any helpers vs cable unless youve got a really good charged up cannon goin and want to throw out a helper as a taunter (a really good charged up cannon can get past a Hyper viper super and hit cable). I used to play Zangief but was forced to switch to megaman just because of cable (and a little iceman influence too i guess) but megaman is really fun to play with and I usually center my team around him now. ------------------ up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start [This message has been edited by Zechs (edited 08-18-2000).] Posted by Black Rain on 08:19:2000 03:17 AM: Use Sentinal. Set up traps with his FK Sentinal Force. If he Viper Beam's you, he will get bombed and u rocket punch him. If he jumps at you, hit Standing RK and combo him. Another alternative if he jumps at you is the LK Sentinal force aimed up or Plasma Storm. Use your FP beam often. You can also confuse your opponent if he gets close by setting up the FK Sentinal Force Decoy and tripping them. If you managed to trip them, do a rocket punch and cancel into a super. Trading hits with Cable is fine because you will come out on top due to Sentinals better defense. And also, abuse the rocket punch and Hyper Sentinal Force. Posted by Azraelswrd on 08:20:2000 09:37 AM: A hard task indeed, especially when facing an equal or better player. Mobile/agile characters have a higher chance at beating the viper beams and possible assist traps. Sentinel - so what if he takes a super. This robot has the toughest armor in the game. Just plant your rocket fist up his gun when he is busy calling assists or trying to gun trap you. Storm - just keep on the move, and stay away from the front of his gun. Use her air dash and beware of anti-air assists. Cable - connect your supers and do more damage than your opponent. Works for me. Of course, it ultimately comes down to the player and the degree of skill involved. Just don't call out your assist against this SOB too often. ------------------ "In the end, there can be only one" - Connor MacLeod Posted by Rokon on 08:23:2000 07:54 AM: I've found Jin to do well against cable, when he can get near him, I should say. Jin's Diving Kick is a great way to throw him off guard, as well as start a groud combo. Besides Jin, Magneto can also project some of his air-to-ground tactics to attack Cable from above, as the Viper Beam cannot accually flex far enouch to hit an airborne character, even one as tall as Magneto. Cable fails to be able to accually hit a high jumping character (such as the double/triple jumpers) without leaving the ground himself, giving you the opportunity to use an anti-air or high-reaching assist move with one of your partners. All of these things come not without risks however, as Cable is an extremely balanced character in all of his assests, making him a risk for almost every charcter he faces. ------------------ "You must control yourself as well as your opponent" -Dhalsim, SFA3 Posted by BlackhearT on 08:24:2000 09:28 AM: im thinking of a word... a six letter word... in it lies the secret to beating cable the word is: S K I L L Z ------------------ Y sentinel B cyclops Y cable cheap : no you need to get better : yes [This message has been edited by BlackhearT (edited 08-23-2000).] Posted by Gotenks2000 on 08:24:2000 10:52 PM: You can either choose a very fast character like Strider or someone with a teleport like...Strider, or Dhalsim too. You can teleport behind Cable, and he can't do anything with his beams. You can also have an assist like juggernaut's jug punch, which is great against projectiles. You can also have a projectile assist like Cyclop's to negate his beams. ------------------ Gotenks2000 Please visit my dbz and mvsc2 site at, which contains mvsc midis and multimedia. Posted by Lupid on 08:25:2000 02:53 AM: Most Cable teams are Battery/Cable/AAA. You're supposed to beat up on the battery, and the tradeoff is that Cable comes in with 5 meters. In this situation, Storm and Dhalsim both work Great against him (Dhalsim Especially), because if you have the lead, you can run away for the whole match and get a free win. The only thing those two have to worry about is BH. Battery/Cable/BH doesn't work well because you can now attack Cable. The only way that might work out is if the battery is Cyke, but that's too risky because if you hurt Cyke, Cable can't call him as a helper. That being said, you can either rush down Cable if he can knock you out of the air, or you can be a yoga ninja and dissapear for the rest of the match after you beat up on his battery character. Rushdown Dhalsim knows. Word. Posted by HotKola on 08:25:2000 07:02 AM: quote: Originally posted by kdcmarvel: Hi, Chocobo. I disagree about Spiral. I think this way because if she teleports above Cable, she probably will be hitted by an assist. And if she teleports at one of the sides, AHVB. I think she's effective against intermediates and begginers, throwing Viper Beams all the time, but if Cable stay away calling assists, he has better chances. If he stays on the corner, Spiral can't teleport behind him, and can't call assists(3xAHVB). Cable can stay on the corner just calling assists and, if Spiral do the dancing swords, AHVB. Even if Spiral superjumps and do the dancing swords, the start up is slow enough to Cable pursuit her and AHVB. I think she can be better than Cable only if Cable don't have superbars, but it's rare. If you have another points pro Spiral, put them because Cable is boooring, and it will be so good to all of us have a better character against him <IMG SRC="/ubb/smile.gif"> Spiral, as long as she has swords, Cable can't do anything. She can call BH, throw swords, assist, repeat. If Cable does AHVB. Spiral teleports and punishes. You can't call assist in middle of supers. Assists will be trying to hit BH. (Remember, he has to call assists before AHVB) Spiral is free to whatever she wants. Cammy is good against Cable too. "Maximum Cammy" keeps him in check. ------------------ Rob~ "are you ken dot com"=) Posted by kdcmarvel on 08:25:2000 07:35 AM: quote: Originally posted by HotKola: Spiral, as long as she has swords, Cable can't do anything. She can call BH, throw swords, assist, repeat. If Cable does AHVB. Spiral teleports and punishes. You can't call assist in middle of supers. Assists will be trying to hit BH. (Remember, he has to call assists before AHVB) Spiral is free to whatever she wants. I have to agree with you about Spiral/Blackheart team. Today I post a topic about this after see a good player manage those 2 against Cable/Cyclops. I think Cable is an overall better character(I mean, hé have more chances to win all the other characters and even Spiral without BH). But this team really rules Cable. Until now, I don't see anyone giving a solution against this Spiral/BH team. Posted by Nathan Summers on 08:27:2000 06:23 PM: In response to all who use the term "cheap" "Cheap" "Cheap" is a term that was created by people who have no real skills. Cheap is a synonym for cheating. This includes throwing, repeating the same attack, the list goes on and on. There is certain games that a person can cheat in such as a game of cards, or even on a test in school. But a video game is something that a person CANNOT cheat in. All you have is your controllers and buttons to influence the outcome of the game. All the rules of the game are electronically built in and CANNOT be compromised. Elements in the game such as throwing are part of the game, otherwise it wouldn't have been included. I immediately lose ALL respect for a player who believes in the term cheap and adheres to its irrational rules. I've encountered a lot of different situations involving throwing. Basically a large portion of the Street Fighter playing population has declared throwing to be "cheap." In arcades when a person throws another guy the person will usually apologize immediately and let the other person throw him back as an act of restitution. I've actually witnessed fist fights erupt from this irrational belief. I have a deep hate for people who do this because they take away from the fun of the game. Fortunately I've never been in one of these sad situations. I have never relied on throwing to win, although I would like to have it in my arsenal as an option if the situation called for it. The second most frequent "cheap" complaint I've heard is: "Is that all you can do? Is that all you know? Can't you do anything else?" Basically if I engage in a strategy that the person cannot counter, then the person will start to complain that I keep doing the same thing. The list of "cheap" goes on forever. ALL people who complain about their opponent cheating are just making excuses for losing. There are no exceptions to this rule. Posted by lynmbenj on 08:28:2000 10:02 AM: If I want to kill a Cable player easilly my team ends up Megaman[balanced], Cable[projectile-(or some other character with a saturation style multi-hit beam assist)] and Jin[expansion(although i'm not very good with him, it won't come into play)]. This is my anti-assist force (and anti-Cable team as well...).Cable's standing Hp hits too high to be a threat to mega even if mega stands straight up. All I would do is access the rockball when safe(while mega turns red...),and drop a rockball and kick it when safe. from here on in it's drop rockball, call beam assist, kick rockball, fire charged megabuster(timed so it combos with the rockball)under the cover of my beam assist. And just think at a full screen's distance away any strength RED megabuster will combo into a Hyper Megaman. However doing it this way causes the super to chain off the beam. Now anything he does will be stuffed by a rockball, or a gunblast. When he wises up, I call in Jin[expansion] since the only real way in would be from the air.If he gets hit, I drop a rockball while waiting for a little after the 3rd hit of the saotome typhoon, hk,jump,lp,lk,lp[mp],lk[mk],mega uppercut,and he's back where he started!IT's also important to note I was charging up the megabuster from just before i called Jin, even from before and while I was breaking Cable's face with the air rave, so i can fire it if I want! Let's now backtrack and assume he blocked my Jin assist. Mega has long since been glowing red,and i'll just follow (walking inside or just behind) Jin, fire the blast as the cyclone ends keeping him from retalliating, start charging another while dropping another rockball, that i kick immediately,call Jin again, and keep repeating untill he figures it out, or till i decide I want to do something else that's unpleasant to him. Using similar tactics I just don't think it gets much easier to kill cable with anyone but Megaman. Posted by Nathan Summers on 08:28:2000 07:16 PM: Originally posted by lynmbenj: "Cable's standing Hp hits too high to be a threat to mega even if mega stands straight up." Obviously you haven't been playing tournament caliber users of cable, because standing fierce is something they don't bother to do. Posted by Archangel21 on 08:28:2000 07:18 PM: i would say Iceman since beams doesn't work on him i guess maybe check it out to those people who use iceman and when they fight a person using cable ------------------ Archangel21 Posted by lynmbenj on 08:29:2000 06:21 AM: Actually, I just remembered something. I don't see many Cable players half my skill level with him stupid enough to try abusing the standing hp. Whenever they do, I always find some way past it and annihilate their man. Even with my other teams one of which is Amingo(balanced), Hulk(dash), and Cable(projectile), I have had no problem with hp,hp,...insert viperbeam type here tactic , or any serious trouble with almost any other tactic a Cable player has used on me I can remember. This includes a few expert players I've faced. Although it has been challenging at times. For some reason, I always can leave the Cable player's entire team under siege with these 2 (Hulk and Amingo), as well. However, what I said concerning the fact Mega has a noticeable advantage over him Cable is undeniable in my eyes. I can personally attest to this after facing a Megaman expert.(although my Hulk-Amingo tandem avenged this embarassment savagely). Don't forget I'm also a good Cable player, and thus know some rude ways to take him down quite regularly first hand. It's important to note that the most imoortant factor in the game isn't usually the characters you use, but your proficciency with them in relation to your opponent. My Hulk has destroyed almost every kind of opponent,as has my Amingo. The winner in my opinion will always be the smarter, cheaper, and also more skilled opponent. I've also decided I will change my name on this site to one that fits me more. Aptom, Belgareth, Deathfist,and Toshin all fit me better. the name I used was someone elses and since it doesen't fit me it's gone. I borrowed this username from a chick as I'm new to using the net to figure out how to do stuff. Posted by lynmbenj on 08:29:2000 06:25 AM: Actually, I just remembered something. I don't see many Cable players half my skill level with him stupid enough to try abusing the standing hp. Whenever they do, I always find some way past it and annihilate their man. Even with my other teams one of which is Amingo(balanced), Hulk(dash), and Cable(projectile), I have had no problem with hp,hp,...insert viperbeam type here tactic , or any serious trouble with almost any other tactic a Cable player has used on me I can remember. This includes a few expert players I've faced. Although it has been challenging at times. For some reason, I always can leave the Cable player's entire team under siege with these 2 (Hulk and Amingo), as well. However, what I said concerning the fact Mega has a noticeable advantage over him Cable is undeniable in my eyes. I can personally attest to this after facing a Megaman expert.(although my Hulk-Amingo tandem avenged this embarassment savagely). Don't forget I'm also a good Cable player, and thus know some rude ways to take him down quite regularly first hand. It's important to note that the most imoortant factor in the game isn't usually the characters you use, but your proficciency with them in relation to your opponent. My Hulk has destroyed almost every kind of opponent,as has my Amingo. The winner in my opinion will always be the smarter, cheaper, and also more skilled opponent. I've also decided I will change my name on this site to one that fits me more. Aptom, Belgareth, Deathfist, Terazon, and Toshin all fit me better. the name I used was someone elses and since it doesen't fit me it's gone. I borrowed this username from a chick as I'm new to using the net to figure out how to do stuff. Posted by Temjin on 08:31:2000 02:03 PM: Umm, 1) Kill the battery. 2) Switch to Iceman and sit in the corner... 3) If cable charges me, AC into Juggy XX Headcrush. Temjin Posted by Nek on 09:02:2000 02:03 AM: SKILLLZ LOL VERY FUNNY BLACKHEART I LIKE THAT. Posted by MegamanDS on 03:24:2001 03:56 AM: Seriously, it i s Megaman. Just keep jumping and hitting FP. He recovers quick after that move. The soccer ball skill is cheap and it doesnt work. No one can stop the beat plane!!! All times are GMT. The time now is 10:53 PM. Show all 41 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.